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Nike Run Club App Feature

The Objective
For 2020, I decided to try something new - sign up for Nike LA 13.1. As someone who’s dreaded P.E. class since age 9, and could barely run one mile without stopping, this was a daunting task. But thanks to motivational friends and Nike, I downloaded the Nike Run Club app to train.
The Problem
As a new user to the Nike Run Club and half marathons in general,  I had no idea how to start training. While the Nike Run Club provides a vast amount of information on running and tips each week, I found it difficult to visualize and locate which runs I needed to complete that week. I found the information after scrolling through long pages of text and a PDF attachment. This led to me not using the app for my runs.
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The Solution
As someone who needs help with running their first half marathon, I want the Nike Run Club App to:
  • Immediately show me what runs I need to complete that week in order to stay on track
  • Plan out my runs for that week ahead of time 
  • Receive reminders for those scheduled runs so I get my shoes on and myself out the door

So I created a prototype for the feature:
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